Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal

Submission and Acceptance Policies

The Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal (CPPJ) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by Information Systems and Computing Academic Professionals (ISCAP). Publishing frequency is two times per year. The first date of publication was 2022.

The journal focuses on cybersecurity pedagogy issue for academics and reseach and implementation issues of cybersecurity practices. Accepted papers are peer reviewed to determine quality and level of contribution.

There are two paths to submit articles for consideration to CPPJ.

  • Direct submssions are accepted throught the year, see the links to the right to submit
  • A select number of articles submitted to the annual (ISCAP Conference) that are cybersecurity in focus are fast-tracked for journal consideration after the conference each November.
All submissions (direct or via the conference) are subjected to a double-blind, peer review process, where reviewers do not know the names and affiliations of paper authors, and paper authors do not know the names and affiliations of reviewers. All submissions (articles, teaching tips, and teaching cases & notes) to the journal will be refereed by a rigorous evaluation process involving at least three blind reviews by qualified academic, industrial, or governmental computing professionals. Submissions will be judged not only on the suitability of the content but also on the readability and clarity of the prose.

Currently the acceptance rate for the journal is 35%.

Periodically the journal will solicit manuscripts for special issues on specific cybersecurity topics. The website will list the requested topics, the submission process and due dates.

Questions should be addressed to the editor at editorcppj@iscap.us

Submission Information

Submit a CPPJ Manuscript

Submission Guidelines

Submission Template

Ethical Guidelines for Publishing in CPPJ


CPPJ focuses on cybersecurity issues, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • CAE (Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity) topics including Applying, Renewing and Best Practices
  • Applied Research and Implementation of Cybersecurity policies/practices
  • Pedagogy
  • Societal and Ethical Issues as related to Cybersecurity
  • Teaching Case Studies and Teaching Tips