Volume 1
Abstract: This case method presented an activity as the basis for teaching Privacy as part of the Professionalism and Ethics course of the Computer Science degree program at a state research university. The purpose of the activity was to help the students internalize the key facets of identity (GREEN APPLE identity attributes) as an essential starting point in teaching Privacy. Data collected during the activity by means of an online survey designed to capture the opinions of the students regarding identity attributes and reflections on these attributes served as a teaching and learning tool. In addition, the student progress was continually monitored by the faculty member observations and evaluations. As a result of this activity, the students were able to develop insights into identity attributes related to privacy issues; understand the language of privacy; develop more awareness of the fundamentals of diversity, equity, and inclusion; interpret the process of ethical decision-making; and acquire beneficial skills. In addition, this activity laid the groundwork for the students to interpret the privacy theories with ease. Download this article: CPPJ - V1 N1 Page 66.pdf Recommended Citation: Dalat Ward, Y., Lester, L., (2022). Identity Attributes in Teaching Privacy. Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal1(1) pp 66-81. http://CPPJ.org/2022-1/ ISSN#: 2832-1006. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2021 |