Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal

Volume 2

V2 N1 Pages 77-84

Apr 2023

Command and Control – Revisiting EATPUT as an IS Model for Understanding SIEM Complexity

Anthony Serapiglia
St. Vincent College
Latrobe, PA USA

Abstract: Automation of network security systems has led to ever increasing complexity and opaqueness. Ceding command and control actions to systems that are fully or even partially unknown to administrators can lead to possibly catastrophic results. Theoretical abstract models can aid in gaining visibility and insight into the construction and operations of these systems. This paper will utilize the early command and control information systems model EATPUT to allow a better understanding of the stages and operation of a modern Security Incident Event Management (SIEM) system.

Download this article: CPPJ - V2 N1 Page 77.pdf

Recommended Citation: Serapiglia, A., (2023). Command and Control – Revisiting EATPUT as an IS Model for Understanding SIEM Complexity. Cybersecurity Pedagogy and Practice Journal2(1) pp 77-84. http://CPPJ.org/2023-1/ ISSN : Forthcoming. A preliminary version appears in The Proceedings of EDSIGCON 2022